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Facials Columbus Ohio

Facials Columbus, Ohio

Professional Facial Treatments To Promote Skin Health

常规面部护理是放松的,但它们也提升了你的整个护肤澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 我们在Medspa中提供的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法是通过优先考虑清洁成分和采用先进的皮肤澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网技术来满足您的独特需求. 我们的护肤专家Tatjana Dzamov和Nikki Rucinsky将为您量身定制 facial treatment,让你神清气爽,更接近你的审美目标.

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Facial Services

The Facial Treatments We Offer

The Luxe Facial

The Luxe Facial


With roots in biofeedback therapy, this treatment improves the foundation of your skin, 减少炎症,让你容光焕发. Each session includes a thorough skin analysis, exfoliation, steam and extraction, along with a face, neck, shoulder and hand massage.


奢华美容是我们最全面和可定制的Medspa体验. Before your session, 你可以选择两种香味,这取决于你离开时的感觉:精力充沛还是放松.

Tatjana's Signature Facial

Tatjana's Signature Facial*


Performed alone or in a series of six, 这种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网逐渐增加了我们专业医药级成分的有效性, improving the look of hydration, lax skin, fine lines, wrinkles and uneven skin tone. Includes steam, extractions and massage.


*For this treatment, 您将需要购买Environ Roll CIT(面部滚筒), available at our office. 在接下来的面部护理中需要使用滚轮,它也可以在你晚上的护肤方案中使用,以提高你的效果.

Vitamin C Revitalizing Facial

Vitamin C Revitalizing Facial


这种疗法将维生素C注入皮肤,以改善晒伤的迹象. 强大的抗氧化剂有助于重建皮肤的清晰外观,修复因时间和元素造成的损害. Your skin will appear brighter, firmer and more radiant.

The Rosacea Specialty Facial

The Rosacea Specialty Facial


酒渣鼻面部是一种镇静和修复皮肤澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,为那些经历过发红的人, irritation and dryness. 皮肤将被重新平衡,因为皮肤的完整性的外观与维生素的精细使用被恢复, antioxidants and natural growth factors.

Nourishing Pumpkin Facial

Nourishing Pumpkin Facial


Recommended in a series of 3, this treatment is packed with powerful antioxidants, vitamins and enzymes that help to decongest, exfoliate and resurface the skin. 南瓜面膜是万能的,可以改善皮肤质地, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles.

Hydrating Facial

Hydrating Facial


保湿面膜是冬季干燥或晒伤皮肤的理想选择. 我们的专家涂抹了一层乳酸面膜,它可以在温和去角质的同时补充水分,同时将维生素a和C注入皮肤,恢复保湿的外观. 你的皮肤会焕然一新,你的舒适感也会恢复.

The Gentleman's Facial

The Gentleman's Facial


专为男士设计,这种完全定制的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网是为了迎合我们的男士. 它包括一个完整的酶去角质,去除死皮细胞之前,大量的维生素, 多肽和生长因子注入皮肤,改善质地, tone and lessen irritation associated with shaving.

Post-Treatment Recharge Facial

Post-Treatment Recharge Facial


激光、化学去皮和微针疗法会给我们留下多余的无生命皮肤细胞. 这种面膜可以洗掉那些细胞,同时为你的皮肤提供所需的水分,让你的皮肤充分利用最近的办公室护理. 敷上面膜,使用定制护肤产品完成疗程.

On-The-Go Express Facial

On-The-Go Express Facial


理想的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台需要一个更快的选择或寻找一个简单的刷新, this facial involves a deep cleanse, skin analysis and exfoliation. A mask is applied, 在我们介绍富含维生素的定制组合产品之前, peptides and growth factors.

Oxygen Infusion Facial

Oxygen Infusion Therapy


This treatment uses pure oxygen to infuse vitamins, 强大的抗氧化剂和透明质酸进入皮肤,立即改善细纹, wrinkles, skin tone and hydration. 每个疗程包括放松蒸汽,提取和按摩.

Cosmetic back therapy

Back Therapy


As the Back Treatment cleanses, exfoliates and hydrates the skin, 它还可以清除沿途的拥堵,使光线更加明亮, softer and smoother skin. 这是一个放松和愉快的经历,滋润这个难以触及的区域,可能会受到痤疮或其他环境因素的影响.

Schedule Your Medspa Treatment With Us

By providing a deeper cleanse, 面部护理是你日常护肤的一个很好的补充,它们可以加强你的美容效果. 我们邀请您与我们的专家澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台并安排您的下一次面部护理.

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